Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Treatment for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in Dallas, TX

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a rare chronic pain condition that typically affects one of the limbs. Even though it is an uncommon illness, Mark LeDoux, MD offers treatment options for patients in the Dallas-Fort Worth, TX area with symptoms. If you're showing signs of CRPS following trauma or an injury or haven't been able to manage the condition on your own, schedule a visit with Dr. LeDoux.
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Symptoms of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Since CRPS is not very common and many symptoms are similar to other diseases that cause pain and discomfort, it takes a highly skilled physician like Dr. LeDoux to diagnose the condition accurately. Symptoms include:

  • Throbbing pain in the arm, leg, hand, or foot that doesn’t go away
  • Sensitivity to cold or touch
  • Swelling accompanied by the pain
  • Skin that alternates between sweaty and cold
  • Joints that are stiff or swollen
  • Muscle weakness and spasms
  • Decreased mobility in the affected area

What Causes Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?

It isn’t known what actually causes CRPS, but it's believed to be connected to a difference between the peripheral and central nervous systems or triggered by an injury or traumatic event. The pain from CRPS is usually immense and out of scope in intensity with the initial injury.

Type 1 CRPS

When CRPS is triggered by an illness or injury like a fracture or stroke, it falls into this category. It is the most common form.

Type 2 CRPS

The symptoms are similar to Type 1, but the cause is directly related to a nerve injury. It was previously called causalgia.

Seek Early Treatment for CRPS for the Best Results

The best outcome for treating CRPS is when it is detected and treated early. Schedule an appointment with Mark LeDoux, MD in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX if you have severe pain or immobility of any limbs to determine the cause. If not treated, CRPS can lead to complications such as deterioration of muscle and tissue or tightening of muscles that lock fingers or toes into a permanent position. Dr. LeDoux uses advanced pain management practices for the best possible outcome for his patients' conditions.

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